Refinishing wood floors Chorley

Sanding wooden floors offers great reward. An important part of the floor sanding process is the preparation. Depending on the size of the project, careful consideration will be needed. Our experience in the trade has allowed us real understanding of this process. Although this becomes second nature, it is still important to commit time and thought to preparation. This ensures the smooth running of any project.

Sanding Wooden Floors – Our Project

We were recently invited to restore this beautiful wood floor in Whittle-le-Wood Community Hall. Community halls are always steeped in history. This particular one has many different events scheduled through the week. Fitness classes, toddler groups, creative classes and even indoor bowling are just some of the regular events.

This meant that the wood floors were put under incredible strain. Wooden floors are generally known to be hard wearing and will last many years. Keeping on top of restoration will vastly elongate a floors lifespan.

Sanding wood floors Chorley

Our floor sanding machinery works to sand and remove the top damaged layers. This is quite a delicate process in the fact that you need to be careful. You need to make sure that you sand enough to get rid of the damage and surface coatings. However, you need to make sure that you don’t sand too much. If you sand away too much of the natural wood, then you will reduce the amount of times the floor can be restored. This balance takes professional understanding.

Sanding wooden floors transforms your floors and breathes new life into them. These images show just that. We are so passionate about delivering exceptional results in every aspect of our work. Customer service forms part of this and is why we have built a reputation based on trust and professionalism. If you would like a quote or have questions about wood floor restoration, please call 0800 852 7177. We are committed to you as our valued client.